Friday, March 20, 2009

Say Hello To Barry Colours For Me

The title I would like to say came to be in a dream not a few hours ago. I have no idea what it means but in my dream I was on blogspot reading my blog and had an entry titled that for some reason. There you have it.

I've been sort of battling a writer's block if you will these past few months. It's been rather hard.

My news? Baby is doing quite well, I'll find out the gender hopefully this Wednesday coming. Owen and I just recently broke up for reasons I guess I can't vent out on this spot in cyberspace but I do hope for a future for both of us, I really do. It has been a lonely pregnancy thus far and I suppose not having him by my side (officially) doesn't make much of a difference if he wasn't there to begin with. I don't know. I hurt a bit. But it was my own doing so I shouldn't bitch about it so much.

I'm not sure what else to write. All I know is I had to write Say Hello To Barry Colours For Me. Trippy.


All This Trouble... said...

I've been wondering about you. I'm not surprised about the writer's block. Pregnancy turns your brain to mush and you have more than just growing a baby on your plate. I'm sorry about Owen. Let's all hope for the best.

And I think you're having a boy. Just don't name him Barry.

Holly said...

I hope I have a son :(

All This Trouble... said...

I wished almost desperately for a boy with my first. The second child I believed would be a boy, no wishing required and I was stunned to learn the third was a girl. I felt almost as if I NEEDED a son to help my soul...some how, some way...and then feared I'd never have a daughter as some sort of punishment for "needing" the boy so. Funny how our minds work.