Saturday, April 11, 2009

Mind's Sedate

Sometimes my mind flashes back to moments in time when I've had such a tranquil state of mind, when I sit down to write. Currently my mind is sitting on the porch looking down through the greenery, through the bees and dragonflies, through gardenias and geraniums, palms and ferns, toward the small eucalypt undergrowth and spying the calves licking each other in the shade. Lorikeets and peewees, finches and magpies warbling a distant tune.

I can picture the flowers smiling in their baskets framing the view, swaying in the slight breeze. I have a cup of tea sitting on an old stump lugged up here, with an astray, packet of cigarettes and a lighter. I'm resting before my duties. Cleaning the chookyard, shovelling cow manure into bags, mowing the lawn, carting water and hay, all before coming back again to admire the view with a well-earned beer in my hand. That is where my mind is and where I long to be. Just for a few days if only.


All This Trouble... said...

Hell, I long to be there, too! I'm convinced that if I just build a chicken coop and run, I'll have tranquility like I've never known. There is nothing like whiling the day awake in a hammock while the chickens peck...peck....peck away at whatever it is they are always pecking at.

Holly said...

Yup, it's serenity alright!

All This Trouble... said...

Happy Mother's Day! Hoping all is well...

All This Trouble... said...

I'll just bet you have yourself a new baby by now.