Sunday, October 19, 2008

Seeing Double

I awoke to find myself about to roll of the edge of the bed. Decided I needed to use the bathroom so I got up. I fell flat on my face. My vision doubled and I stood again, stumbling and falling often along the way. Still seeing double.

A choir of female voices kept shouting, "Second sight! Second sight!"I found my housemate and in a panic told her my vision has doubled and promptly fell over again. She looked at me odd.

Next thing I knew I was awake, nearly falling off the bed.


Zatil said...

Ouch! You must have fallen from bed real bad if you were seeing duoble.

Bruce Hodder said...

Please send whatever you were on in a nondescript brown envelope to my house.

I went through a phase of dreaming I woke up and then waking up to find I'd been asleep. I also had a recurring dream that I could see through my own eyelids and that my bedroom was really a Manhatten apartment.

All This Trouble... said...

I've been secretly stalking your blog. I like it.

Maybe you are about to discover your third eye?