Thursday, December 27, 2007

Tis the season to be Postal.....

Hope everyone had a happy holiday. Super on this end.

Went back to work today, seemed alright to begin with, after all, I didn't have my morning coffee or anything, I was super!

A co-worker was taking some guys order, I was coming up behind her, to get some drinks to give to customers that were coming up. Sounded good. Normal. He seemed to have finished ordering and the co-worker asked what kind of bread he would like. Normal. Not to this guy! He went NUTS. "THIS HAPPENS EVERY F*CKING TIME, I'M INTERRUPPTED THIS IS SHIT I WANT THE MANAGER HOW DARE YOU ASK ME THIS AND INTERUPT ME" *insert another super long rant*

She let him finish his order in the first place, she was just doing her job asking what kind of bread he preferred. Noooo this guy didn't care. We got the manager and he wasn't happy, he wanted the STORE manager, we were dispicable. He actually said that. He came up to my window but I refused to open it and ignored him. He went to the next one and the other co-worker refused to open it until 2 managers came down. If he went nuts over bread, he might have had a gun. He was obviously looking for a fight.

I don't care if he had a shitty christmas or whatever excuse is given. Try having christmases with an alcoholic father eh. Try having a christmas day like the poor sod on the train given a text to say his brother topped himself. This guy apparently has done it a few weeks ago too.

Bah. It's more understandable if he was asked if he would like Fries with his order!

1 comment:

Bruce Hodder said...

I got punched and headbutted at work on Christmas Eve. Then on Boxing Day I had to pay £30 for a taxi in to work and did 18 hours without a break because some bitch didn't turn up and we couldn't find cover for her shift. So I feel for you, Holl. People are wankers.