Monday, December 31, 2007

Suicidal, Suicidal...Beautiful Girl

This New Year is more like that weird guy with the hat and all in Daddy Cool's Eagle Rock. You know the stoner silly bugger at the chippie? Yeah. I'm that for 2008 except everyone is more stoned and more fucked up than me. Everyone calls me nuts. But hey seriously, my world seems more sane.

2008 I plan to eventually become vego again. People will apparently quit smoking, cut down on booze. Fuck that. I'd rather do it for the cows. Poor angels.

Grumpy is blaming me for his obesity and blaming me for this and that. He didn't seem to pleased when I reminded him last time the bells were ringing, he was online chatting up his whores.

What do I care?

I plan to see out 2008 as the last God forsaken year on this planet. Time to return home methinks.

My good mates are suffering overseas. Oppressed. Bah so depressing. I wish I could give them the freedom I apparently enjoy or should, in this country. But what can I do? Put a bullet to the brain? No gun, sorry, Howard took care of that.

2008 will be just like every other year, worse than the previous. Flashbacks? My sister in a catfight, Dad drunk, Singing "I walk with a swagger" Tom Green on the Pier without realising the bells had been and gone, Dancing to "Numb/Encore" with my killer knee-high boots and halter top I got years previously from the US, Rowing myself about with a broom on a swivel chair with a ripped Cheezels box on my head proclaiming "I am Harry Pothead!" and then ending up in the bathroom slicing the backs of my thighs to bits with some guys razor, Messaging Tad the Wonder Dick of an Ex to tell him I'm glad Karma got him in the end and it turns out it never did he was just fucking me over again with his lies, Drinking alone watching Matthew Newton make a sillyhead of himself on national tv and have Grumpy eventually wander through to wish me a happy new year after the bells.

Most likely going to be a repeat of that. Happy New Year honey, you made me fat, you make me miserable but I won't let you fuck off this planet, you have to fucking suffer, he'll say.

At least this year I'll be making burgers and drinking like it's 1999. Except 1999 was fun. I think.

1 comment:

Bruce Hodder said...

Yeah, it probably will go down the same way as all the others. And people who think they're gonna change it by making resolutions are probably only reinforcing the inevitability of repeating their fate by trying to change it. Happened all the time in the sci fi novels I used to read.

I worked New Year's Eve and was asleep by 10.20. Apparently there was a lot of noise outside the room I slept in, but I had my half-deaf infected ear turned upwards to the air and I didn't hear a thing. I'm glad. Nothing pisses me off more than hearing people trying to force their drunken jollity on everyone around them.