Monday, July 21, 2008


Back inside my icy refuge. In time the frost will melt when this body of mine heats up. How on Earth can I dare to be warm? Dare to be alive? I feel as cold as these blankets. So much for moments of clarity. So much for becoming harder than stone. So much for not allowing anything permeate. Beyond hurting? Gosh. Deluded much?

Currently listening to "I know you know I know" - Tex Perkins. My mp3 player, on random, mocks me. The chirpy quirky happy ducks on the mantle across from me mock me too. At least the knife underneath this bed, directly below me doesn't mock me. Hello my friend, my shiny solace.

I walked hurriedly into the dark save the moon shining fiercely in it's full phase luminescence. The pavement glowed a gentle yet haunting pale pearl. Stop lights reflecting in the rain on the road. Seagulls squawking, crying, flying. If I close my eyes it's not cold, it's not wet, it's not night. I really am at the seaside. There really is sand running between my toes. The sun is kissing my cheeks with it's warm mouth.
Warm. Mouth. Sweat. Kisses. Love. Urgent. Want. Need.
Something pierced my heart and I'm still walking aimlessly in the night.

It's not love Holly if it's not reciprocated. You're a fool. You're pathetic. How dare you believe that you deserve something special after everything you've ever done.
No. Don't ignore me. Don't push me out. Listen to your mind. After all *I* am the one that's been with you since the moment you emerged from the nether abyss, grasped by the doctor's hand. I'm all you have. I'm the only one you can trust. I am the closest you'll ever be to love.
Now I can see you've seen my truth. Doesn't hurt so bad now does it?

You can bleed from the most malicious of wounds but the blood always ceases to flow. It clots. The wound mends. If you're lucky Holly, there won't even be a scar.
Scars are there to remind you why. Remind you of the pain you endured.

Let it flow.


Anonymous said...

Hi ,

I was reading ur blog posts and found some of them to be wow.. u write well.. Why don't you popularize it more.. ur posts on ur blog ‘Bus Stop’ took my particular attention as some of them are interesting topics of mine too;

BTW I help out some ex-IIMA guys who with another batch mate run where you can post links to your most loved blog-posts. Rambhai was the chaiwala at IIMA and it is a site where users can themselves share links to blog posts etc and other can find and vote on them. The best make it to the homepage!

This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. :)


Bruce Hodder said...

Hey, whatever you may or may not have done in the past you still deserve to be loved and to find happiness now. I've been a real shit to the people who cared about me, or some of them. A cruel or indifferent bastard too wrapped up in my own struggles to recognise that anybody existed as anything other than a projection of my own inner conflicts. And I still get caught in that trap sometimes; but I'm trying not to. And I still think I deserve to be happy as much as any other person does, because nobody's free from blemish when it comes to causing hurt. Which sounds like a really convenient and ugly rationalisation, but anyway. I think what fucks people like you and me up in the now is not that we're getting what we deserve but that we're stuck in old patterns of behaviour that make the same things happen to us over and over again. 'Cause we bring the same kind of people into our lives and react to them in the same kind of ways.
Just a guess, but I reckon it has some merit as a guess.
Anyway. Fantastic writing, as usual. Reminds me of a more disciplined and poetic Kathy Acker. You ever read her?

Holly said...

Nope never read her.
Somehow I doubt I tried to attract someone like him, if I was going how I usually go with men I would have done much worse.

I think it's more to do with the fact that someone like me could never attain someone like that. So I deserve the slops.