Monday, July 14, 2008

What's Love Got To Do With It?

Sheesh. Holly couldn't keep her pants on long enough when it comes to Chris. You know, that guy she is absolutely smitten with. The one who doesn't want her in any other way but perhaps friendship and...well..yeah, you know.

I really missed talking to him. I missed his company. Just seeing his photo next to his words made me feel all weak and powerless inside. I had to. I had to be with him. He doesn't want to hurt me. I said, I'm beyond hurting. How can he hurt me more? I just need what I desire so badly.

He came and picked me up and we went back to his place. We watched a movie, had a drink, had a smoke and had sex. The whole time, thoughts whizzing around my head "I want this man, I want this man, I want this man." Do I?

I woke up, our arms and legs entwined. Without sounding like a sicko, I watched him, looked at what it seemed every hair on his face, his head, his neck... how simply devine the colour of his hair. How black yet so colourful his hair. His smell. His smell is so homely. When I smell it, good memories as a child are stirred up. There aren't many, but they are of the nursing kind, to send me to sleep, to chase away the badness.

Sunlight started to pour into the room onto us. I could see the dust floating around, peacefully, gracefully, rising, falling, like his sweet breath, blessing us. The dust sparkling in the light reminded me of bubbles in the sea. I felt underwater, undercover, safe and sound. The alarm kept beeping, time was running out. But for those waking hours, it felt like my lifelong mission was complete.


Anonymous said...

This is great. I know exactly this feeling and the situation and everything.

It's just inspired me to write some more ;)

Anonymous said...

Holly thank you so much for the comment, honestly ! I was considering deleting this because I was like, "I bet no-one even cares" but you've inspired me to keep going haha. So I just wrote something it's definitely not up to the standard of my last blog but I'm exhausted and I figure it's better than nothing!

Anonymous said...

You know what I love talking to you add me on msn if you have it or e-mail me or something if you like :):